
This cocktail is what Tracey Campbell, bartender from Just One More makes for Daniel Martinez as his birthday drink in MAYBE – book 3 of the Rivers End series. 

Want to try a BOULEVARDIER?

Step 1: choose your favourite “rocks” style glass
Step 2: add a giant ice cube (or a couple smaller ones)
Step 3: Add to glass 1.5 oz of Bourbon, 0.75 oz of Campari, and 0.75 oz of Sweet Vermouth
Step 4: Cut an orange peel disk over top of the glass to capture the spray, and drop the disk into the glass.
Step 5: Swirly gently and enjoy! Repeat as necessary.

PS- I’m assuming you’re partaking responsibly, with a designated driver as necessary. Friends look after friends! See you next time!

Here’s a video with instructions etc from Cocktail Chemistry. Although I prefer it with bourbon (as does Daniel)!